Saturday, August 4, 2007

Everything will be personalized for you

Personalization. That's the word of the year for 2008 and beyond.

It's where more and more websites are going and simply where they should be going? And what is that? Because that's what the people want. Some websites and services have already been doing this for quite a while.

In retail, think and their personalized shopping service. For years, they've been recommending more products for you to buy, based on your shopping habits. They've had over 60 million customers and simply put by CEO, Jeff Bezos, "We want to have over 60 million different stores."

Or, just think about the # of times you've seen or heard content companies branding a new web product, starting with "my." Just to rattle off a few...mySpace, My Yahoo, mySI, my Times, myCokeRewards. Let's face it - we, customers are a bit selfish these days. We want everything to be done for us individually, and in the way we want it to be.

So enough about the trend of how personalization is starting to evolve. Instead, let's talk about what should be the next steps in website personalization. Imagine visiting and only viewing the type of stories you care about. Don't care about those stories on Home & Garden? Well, in the future, you won't even see those stories anymore. You'll be able to move content boxes around on the site to put the stories you care about up top, and just delete content areas you never read.

Or think about sports. You'll have one-click access to information about your favorite teams. Imagine a web page with stories on your favorite teams, from all across the web. Imagine being able to read your team's stories, watch video highlights, see photos...all that good stuff on one page.

The outlook of the web looks good. We're moving into a world where everyone will have their own Internet. The step after that will simply be linking everyone's Internet all together. You'll be able to see what types of content your friends care about. You'll be able to communicate with others who have similar tastes in content and sites you care about. The potential is endless.

The outlook is good.


"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it's been"
-- Steve Jobs
I recently emailed Steve Jobs and asked him to write the foreword for my blog, and that's what he came up with. Ok, thats not true. I actually never got a response back from him, but nonetheless, this quote defines this blog, RY's Trend Watch.

I've decided to start this up to mark down all my thoughts and ramblings about upcoming trends. Won't be talking too much about what's going now, but rather, what's next. That's what's more important. Who cares about what has already happened, or what's happening now? It's simply about what's next. On some days I may write about trends in media, other days perhaps sports, or simply the large world of business. Stay tuned and be ready to think about things in innovative ways...